

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Diving in Marigondon Cave

Marigondon Cave is one of the famous dive spots in Mactan, Cebu, although this dive is strictly for advanced divers only.  It is a shore entry and drift towards the cave entrance, about 30 meters. Then drops about 35-40m deep to the cave entrance. The diameter of the cave is about 10m.  It is advisable to bring a reel, torches and ensure that every diver keeps watch of time.

There are lion fish at the entry, deeper inside a school of strange flash light fish blinking in the dark and some giant crabs. This is truly an amazing dive. Nitrox is strongly recommended for this dive.

The first time I went there was during day time, the current was strong so the drift was so fast that I almost got disorientated.  But then thanks to the training and the buddy that I had, I didnt panic at all, the only thing was that I forgot to bring a torch so I had to tail with my buddy.  It was not bad but I vouched to come back.

Indeed I went back so many times that It became almost my daily routine that we didnt need a reel to come back to the mouth of the cave.  And then my buddy and I decided to go there at night. At first I was scared coz we realized at the bottom of the mouth of the cave were 4 tomb stones. Those were tomb stones of divers that apparently died there while diving. But I guess something that divers only understand, excitement was more than fear.  And we went scuba diving at night.

As soon as the sun was about to set we started our swim by the time we submerge the sun was out.  It was a total different from the day dive we been doing. When we were at the bottom on the mouth of the cave my buddy decided to turn off all our torches and sit still for 3 minutes. It was pitch dark and then we saw a lot of flashlight fishes that seemed to glitter in the dark, they hardly move in the same of a big fish.  It was one of the most amazing thing I have seen.

I would really go back there soon, unfortunately my camera is not good enough to take photos in total darkness. I have to upgrade my camera too soon. So if you are heading to Cebu, make sure to do this side trip scuba diving.

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